Screen-scraper 7.0 Released

This new stable version adds many new features, and give you the ability to scrape sites that are using the lastest SSL features.

The installers are available on the download page.

Screen-scraper 7.0 requires a newer JRE than the previous stable release, therefore upgrading requires some additional steps.

If you don’t already have all your scrapes exported, or just want to preserve the current configuration, you need to upgrade your current screen-scraper to the latest alpha version 6.0.69a (Instructions). Once done, back up the content of the screen-scraper/resource/db directory.


  1. The new installer does not include the JRE
  2. You need to have the Java JRE 1.8 installed (1.7 will work, but is not recommended)
    1. Make note of the install location (a symlink isn’t valid)
  3. Run the new setup SH file.
    1. You cannot install over the top of an exiting installation. You must either move the current directory or during installation choose a new install location.
  4. In the screen-scraper install directory, locate and edit both the server and screen-scraper script. On the line “INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE” (at the top), add the path to your JRE install

Once done, you can replace the content of the resource/db directory with the one you’d backed up.


  1. Make sure screen-scraper is not running (neither the application, nor in sever mode)
  2. Run the setup EXE
    1. You cannot install over the top of an exiting installation. You must either move the current directory or during installation choose a new install location.

Once done, you can replace the content of the resource/db directory with the one you’d backed up.

We recommend this update for all scrapers, and if there is any problems, please let us know here or on the support forum.

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